Dear Rachel…
Deborah Wiles’ award-winning MG novel Countdown (The Sixties Trilogy) proves there’s a place for historical fiction set in 1960s America. And yes, 1965 is “historical”—it’s three generations removed from your target readers, with a distinct cultural landscape. Not that I’m sure you have a historical fiction project. It could be general fiction, with your focus being on the girl and her dog wish rather than on the war. To Kill a Mockingbird isn’t officially “historical fiction” even though it’s set in 1930s Deep South. It’s a story about people, race, class, and coming of age. Lead with your themes and craft strengths when submitting, not your time period. As for “black hole,” don’t look a gift horse in the mouth! An unexploited spot in the market could be gold. Just ask J.K. Rowling, who shopped a wizard book when wizard books were barely a market blip. You may have a better shot than those in a genre that’s hot but saturated. Doomed? Hardly.
Happy writing!
The Editor
Hi Rachel,
I think this period in history doesn’t have enough coverage and there should be more written about it. I think your story could be a refreshing addition. Good luck with you project.
Newbery Medalist Kimberly Holt’s book When Zachary Beaver Came to Town is one of my favorites and it is set in the same era. Very touching story, even though the time period is a back drop and subplot it works well. Best of luck with your novel.
What great advice and encouragement!
Good luck Rachel! 🙂
I also want to encourage Rachel not to give up on her historical novel. I just signed a contract with Jacquelyn Mitchard at Merit Press/F+W Media for NO SURRENDER SOLDIER, set on Guam in 1972. The main character’s brother is a U.S. navigator in Vietnam, and a WWII soldier is hidden behind the teen boy’s house. This book is very much about war and its aftermath.
As a former writing instructor, though, what I would also encourage Rachel to do is to dig deeper into her plot premise and problem. (Note: I have never read Rachel’s novel so I’m only saying this based on her quick summary.) Ask yourself, what makes your book different than, say, BECAUSE OF WINN DIXIE? How does the plot problem–finding a dog–fit in with her brother’s letters? Is your main character active in every aspect of the plot and subplot, or only/mostly an observer of her brother’s plight? One last comment, consider finding someone to critique with you who is knowledgeable of the business and novel writing, and is supportive in your writing. Best wishes!
Congratulations on NO SURRENDER SOLDIER, Christine!
Another good Vietnam era book is Shooting the Moon by Frances O’Roark Dowell. It is books like these that inspire me and make me feel human. That is what historical fiction is about: helping children feel and experience moments in time with the characters that they are reading about. At least that is my goal as a writer.
Well said, Joanna.
Great advice. : )
(I think as long as the writing is exceptional, I don’t think it matters what era it’s from.)
Hey Rachel,
Your book sounds awesome, and I think it’s due time to write stories built around the sixties and early seventies. It’s when many of us were born, and our fathers and grandfathers (both in my case) were in that war which no one really talks much about. I, for one, would love to read your book, because it sounds like a story out of my childhood (though I know I may not be your target audience). NW Harris
There is much to mine in the way our culture handled that war on the home front, that’s for sure.
Love seeing all the suggestions for other books to read regarding this era!
Thank you, one and all, for your comments and support. I’m at a writing retreat this weekend, working on this novel, and all the comments have encouraged me. I’m so hopeful again. I love my novel and all the characters. I have a critique group who love it as well. I just needed to hear, “Don’t listen to the nay sayers!” Rachel
I hope everything goes good for you. Good luck and just keep on pushing. It’s taken me four years and finally I got a publisher. 🙂
Congratulations, Brenda. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I started on my book four years ago. Put a lot of research in it and lived through that time. Had family members and experienced a lot of the Vietnam issues.
I have been told everything, from take a pen name, you’re a woman writing where women had no voice, to take out the POW scenes and all the war scenes – you can’t tell that story.
I’ve been told to change the war time. It’s a great book but we don’t want Vietnam scenes.
Finally I got a letter from a publisher who offered me a contract. Just based on my first three chapters. Went on P&E to make sure they were good and they were.
Thank goodness for her outside the box attitude.
I am almost ready to sign the contract and I’m praying that when she gets to the war scene and the torture scenes she doesn’t tell me to take them out.
I just don’t get it?