When Is the Best Time for a Blog Tour?

Dear Natasha…

The best time for a blog tour is during your pub month. For one thing, your book will be available for purchase. More importantly, syncing the tour with your book launch makes each stop a celebratory event and provides a “reason” for touring. But don’t stop there. Tour on your book’s publication anniversary or to coincide with events related to your topic or themes. Got identity theft in your book? Then tour in October, which is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Bloggers and readers alike will appreciate the relevant theme, and it gives you something to talk about besides yourself. Folks like learning about new books, but they don’t necessarily want to hear the author toot her own horn the whole time.

Happy writing!
The Editor


  1. Thanks for the advice, Deborah 🙂 My blog tour starts on the 25th this month, but you’ve given me some great ideas for the build up to it as well as after it finishes.

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