Writing YA Fiction For Dummies Virtual Book Launch – Thank You!

What a party this launch has been—right down to the fireworks that lit up the nation’s skies halfway through the launch. (How’s that for timing?)

But now that the party’s over, I must admit that I am toast. A 7-day virtual book launch really takes the starch out of a gal. So I’m giving myself the rest of the week off—and you all a breather from the daily DearEditor.com updates. I’ll meet you back here on Tuesday, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, to resume our lively Q-and-A about writing and to show you the awesome Guest Editor posts I’ve got waiting in the wings. But before I go, two orders of business: one more thank you and a congratulations.

First, I’d like to publicly thank, one more time, those who went above-and-beyond to make this week extra fun for all by featuring interviews, podcasts, guest posts, and giveaways in support of the launch:

Second, I’d like to congratulate Mark McClintock, the winner of the Day 7 “Free Full Manuscript Edit” giveaway. Mark, I’ll send you an email directly with all the details.

Okay, all, if you’ve got any questions about the craft or business of writing lurking in your brain pan, now’s the time to send them in using the “Write to The Editor” button on the top menu because I’m itchin’ to dig back in. See you Tuesday!

The Editor


  1. Congratulations Mark. I’m sure many of us (myself included) are green with envy! Hope you get lots out of your full manuscript edit.

    And all the best with the book launch Deborah.

  2. Thank YOU, Deborah. I enjoyed the excerpts I read all week. Your book will help many people understand writing and the publishing business better. On top of that, you throw a great party!
    Congrats to the lucky 8 winners! You guys are so lucky!

  3. picked up a copy of the book. So very well done! Everything that a writer could possibly want or need to know about writing YA is there. It is so clear and easy to read. Another must have for books on craft.

  4. Congratulations Mark! I am green with envy. This has been an exciting week. Thanks for the fun launch party! And thanks for sharing those wonderful excerpts.

  5. Enjoy your break, Deborah. Not that you can have much of one with triplets. And thanks for the terrific advice in Dummies.

    • Ah, but when I do look up from the grindstone, triplets are the best thing to find. Three small men ready to go on adventure… just what I needed today. Thanks so much.

    • Spent the first day of my break touring the Queen Mary, Kristi. Being transported back in time to the days of steamship transatlantic crossings was just what I needed! Thanks so much for your kind words!

  6. Thanks again for the great opportunity for writers this week! And continued congrats for your book release. I got mine in the mail–whee! Can’t wait to read and review it on my blog and on Amazon. 🙂 I’ve already found clarification on ellipses that I’d wondered about. Rah!

    Congrats to all the winners this week, especially to Mark!

  7. Holy Asparagus! What a thrilling way to start my day! “Thank you” seems too trivial a response to such a wonderful gift, but indeed I do thank you for all the ways you encourage and equip writers. My gratitude also to all of you who are enriching the lives of children and young adults through your craft!

  8. Great tour. I was having one at the same time for my book Sh Sh Sh Let the Baby Sleep.

    I’m writing my first YA Historical fiction now-just might need your book!

  9. Thank you for the free information this week. You have whetted my appetite and made me more enthused about writing.
    What a great launch idea, Deborah. I loved it.

  10. I think the time has fully come for me to emerge from the woodwork and to chime in. I’ve worked with Deborah for over six years now (geez, has it been that long — yep I just looked. 2005!), and have personally benefited greatly from her perception, astuteness, and excellence as an Editor.

    I just got my own copy of WYAFFD, and I have to say… my secret is now officially out! Deb is amazing, and the stuff in the book is equally pithy, perceptive, persuasive and pertinent to all who wish to write not just YA but in any genre for any age group.

    Congrats, Deb, on a fantastic job, and a fantastic book!


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