What’s the Trick to Pitching a Dual POV Story?


Dear Jennifer…

Stop approaching this numerically. Instead of pitching a “manuscript with two points of view,” pitch a story with conflicting points of view. What’s the nature of that conflict? What is one guy not saying/admitting/dealing with that the other guy must handle or shed light upon? How are those characters at odds? How does each push the story forward— and push each other to grow? That’s what makes your story unique and juicy. In your pitch, state the (1) main characters, (2) overall conflict of the story, and (3) way in which the individual journeys conflict with each other for fab overall tension, plotting, and emotional impact. Same with the trilogy fact: Plug the overall themes and arc of the trilogy, then state how Book 1 accomplishes a key task in that arc.

Happy writing!
The Editor


  1. Good ideas as I have a dual POV story. Conflict or intrigue can also be set and pitched when one of the characters has a crucial piece of information that the other is seeking.

  2. Great reminder that query letters and pitches are not about the story, they are the story. We need to focus on the good stuff within and not the writing mechanics that got us there.

  3. Brilliant take! I’d never thought about that. It makes sense. A writer needs to use everything and turn it into a conflict.
    I just decided yesterday to make my WIP multi-POV. I wrote the first scene today. You have no idea how timely this post is. Thank you!

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