teen author

Is Teen Too Young to Publish?



Dear Editor…

I’m a teen and my dream is to be an author. But in the past year it has started to become more of a reality. I have written a rough draft of a novel and have begun revising. But I don’t know whether I should go on. Is it too risky being a teen in this market? Should I wait for my dream when I’m older? Thank you so much! Bye.

Just A Teen

Dear Just A Teen…

Christopher Paolini and Abigail Gibbs prove age is no reason to hit Pause. But you’re wise beyond your years to ponder the path ahead. Be of two minds: 1) Book: Craft, not age, matters. Hire a pro freelance editor to evaluate your ms for craft and market potential and guide you in honing your skills to compete with veteran writers. Or try a local college ‘extension’ class for writing. Get feedback from writing experts. 2) Business: Pubbing a book is the same as opening a business whether you self-pub or sign with a publisher. With your parents’ help, get an agent to protect your rights, manage the money, and devise safe ways to put you and your books ‘out there.’ The Literary Market Place has an agent directory, as do writers’ groups like SCBWI or SFWA. Look into your writing category’s group, read my post Too Young to Be Taken Seriously?, and KEEP WRITING! This may not become your debut novel, but you’ll be a better writer for it.

Happy writing!
The Editor