manuscript submission - Page 38

Can I Query Agents Before My Manuscript Is Done?


Dear Editor…

Is it appropriate for an unpublished writer to query agents before her MG/YA manuscript is complete? Provided there is an outline and a synopsis of the work, is it okay to test the waters halfway through? Another thought: Agents are seasoned professionals and would know right away whether they like a manuscript or not. It makes more sense to have someone guide you along the way to completion before you finish the project than to take you through numerous revisions once you have. What say you?


Dear Rosie…

You’re barking up the wrong tree. Agents don’t have time to guide an untried writer through a first draft. They’ll carve out time for their current clients, who are published and proven, but not for someone who may not even stick with the manuscript to the end of that first draft, much less persevere to a polished submittable draft. Lots of people get halfway through manuscripts but never finish them. Life gets in the way. Passion fizzles. Writer’s block strikes. Other projects beckon. Even veteran authors will stuff half-cooked manuscripts into the drawer and then slam it shut forever. Seek guidance from freelance editors, writing instructors, and critique partners. Do not submit your half-written manuscript. Agents reject rickety early draft writing. What’s the hurry, anyway? Getting published should not be a race against the clock. Be patient and polish the manuscript, then step forward with your best foot. That’s how you’ll land an agent.

Happy writing!
The Editor

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